Registered Massage Therapy
Osteopathic Manual Practitioner
Manual Lymph Drainage
Low-Level Laser

An ongoing series of informative entries
An ongoing series of informative entries

What is Osteopathy?
What is Osteopathy?
December 16, 2022
Osteopathy is treatment performed with the hands-on. Usually patients are dressed in comfortable clothing during the treatment in this clinic. There are a wide variety of techniques that can be used and the treatment will vary every time. Osteopathy is very specific and the treatment providers have extensive knowledge of science- based research, anatomy and physiology. Osteopathic treatment is great for things like neck or back pain, but also for digestive issues, breathing problems, TMJ, nervous system dysfunction and many, many more. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners are skilled at getting to bottom of complicated problems.
The philosophy of Osteopathy emphasizes "health". Instead of treating disease, osteopathic treatment is intended to emphasize and restore health in the body.
Osteopathy looks at the whole body, including mind, body and spirit, and considers the body as one functional unit - where a problem in one part will affect the whole. Osteopaths have extensive knowledge about how dysfunction in one area can create effects in another part of the body due to compensation. An osteopath will consider how a problem in the structure of the body affects it's function and vice versa. In addition, the osteopath believes in the body's natural ability to heal and repair itself. The underlying intention of the treatment is to remove any barrier that interferes with this inherent mechanism
This is a long way of saying that an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner considers many things when determining the treatment that will help you best.

Dealing with inflammation?
Dealing with inflammation?
January 6, 2023
Inflammation is a protective response that happens when the body detects irritation, damage or injury. It is a normal and healthy immune system function. Sometimes this can be a result of injury or infection but it can also occur as a result of exposure to harmful stimuli such as allergens or stress. The biproduct of inflammation in the body is scar tissue, also known as fibrosis. Over time, the effects of inflammation can add up in the body and lead to disease.
The first step to dealing with inflammation is to remove the irritants causing the inflammation. This usually means considering some lifestyle changes, such as improved eating habits, increasing exercise and avoiding allergens or things that cause sensitivity.
Osteopathy can assist in reducing the effects of inflammation in the body by treating scar tissue, improving lymph flow and circulation, reducing stiffness in the joints and soft tissues of the body and balancing the nervous system.

Functional Movement Patterns
July 16, 2023
Efficient movement patterns are essential for our daily life.
Structure governs function is an concept used in Osteopathy to understand that a particular restriction in the body may result in a cascade of effects on various other body systems.
Looking at simple movement patterns in an assessment provides a wealth of information regarding how the body is carrying tension.
It is the goal of osteopathy to restore the mechanical axes of mobility and vitality to areas of restriction in the body, which in turn will support the physiological systems to function optimally.